Friday, November 22, 2013

Retirement Made Easy with Affordable South Carolina Mortgage Rates

"Many places around the state offer the same opportunities if you know where to look. If you’re thinking of moving to a community with a low living cost, there are homes that can be easily purchased without having to tangle with high rates. Searching for reasonable South Carolina mortgage rates can be a lot harder than it looks, however, and buyers might want to carefully consider all their options before committing to a purchase. Once you’ve decided on a home to buy, the first thing you should think about is if you can actually afford the mortgage payments considering your current income. The ratio of income and debt determines how much someone can borrow so its important to calculate before committing to a plan. This is important because naturally, you’ll always want to pay off your loan on time to avoid any other problems that can stem from delinquency."

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Lenders Can Assist Buyers who are Seeking South Carolina Mortgage Help

"However, the Consumer Financial Bureau also reminds buyers who are seeking reliable South Carolina mortgage help to stay away from companies questionable practices. Those that charge in advance for advice or for the modification of a delinquent loan should be avoided because they are probably illegitimate. According to the agency, counselling services should be given for free by lenders and until a financing program is developed, they cannot ask clients to pay. Before applying for a loan or buying a new home, it is also advisable to estimate your total projected expenses using mortgage calculators. A reputable South Carolina mortgage lender like Churchill Mortgage Corporation has a free calculator on its website. It can compute monthly or annual home loan payments and the appropriate income needed by homeowners to cover all the related expenses. This tool can make things easier, but it’s still better to consult an expert in person so that you can discuss the specifics and get a mor

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Will Rising Rates Make South Carolina Mortgage Loans Hard to Refinance?

"Homeowners also face certain dilemmas in spite of their market options. While fixed rates are still a good option because they remain historically low, they may not offer significant savings on short-term loans if market rates fall. One-year ARMs typically have lower rates than, say, 30-year fixed-rate mortgages, but their savings are minimal compared to the latter in the long run. In any case, homeowners must weigh their options carefully before they refinance their outstanding home loans. For homeowners in South Carolina, this means consulting with a trusted mortgage expert such as Churchill Mortgage to arrive at sensible decisions based on their circumstances. With proper guidance, homeowners can refinance their SC mortgage loans and enjoy savings despite the rising rates."

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

South Carolina Home Loans & Home Equity Loans: What’s the Difference?

"In addition, those who wish to qualify for good interest rates on both mortgage loans and home equity loans must have good credit scores as well as low debt-to-income ratios. One key requirement for home equity loans, however, is that the homeowner must have sufficient equity in the home. He or she can usually take out a home equity loan worth up to 80% of the home’s value, even without mortgage insurance. Before obtaining SC home loans or home equity loans, you might want to be avoid confusion by learning about their key distinguishing features. This way, you can make more informed financial decisions. Highly experienced mortgage experts at trusted firms like Churchill Mortgage can help you choose from a range of suitable loan products that cater to your specific needs."

Monday, October 21, 2013

Affordable South Carolina Mortgage Rates Makes Obtaining State’s High Education Standards Easier

One reason you should check out affordable South Carolina mortgage rates and consider moving with your family to that state is the quality of schools there. On September 23, 2013, U.S. Secretary of Education Anne Duncan announced the 283 schools in America that will be receiving the 2013 National Blue Ribbon distinction for being model schools of excellence. Five of these schools belong to South Carolina. According to a report on The State, a Columbia daily morning newspaper, the South Carolina Blue ribbon schools and their districts are Okatie Elementary in Beaufort, May High School for Math, Science and Technology in Darlington, Flowertown Elementary in Dorchester 2, Ware Shoals Elementary in Greenwood 51, and New Prospect Elementary in Spartanburg 1.

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Seek Solid South Carolina Mortgage Help and Move up from a Mobile Home

The real numbers weren't far off the estimate. As of 2008, 17.9 percent (or nearly one in every five) of homes in the Palmetto State are mobile. Furthermore, according to the U.S. Census, South Carolina has the highest percentage of mobile homes. While such homes are associated with poverty, the association isn't universally true. According to a BBC study, South Carolina is not even one of the 10 poorest states in the U.S.. The state's trailer residents might not even be among those who need professional South Carolina mortgage help. Charles Becker, economics professor of economics at Duke University, says, “Not everyone who lives in a trailer park is poor and there are parts of the country, like Michigan, where living in a mobile home community doesn't have the stigma it does in the South. You also have retirement communities in Florida where people aren't poor at all.”

Saturday, October 19, 2013

Why You Should Carefully Pick Decent South Carolina Mortgage Loans

Things are looking tense for the housing industry in South Carolina, as equity values flicker nationwide and affect mortgage loans. Homeowners will need to put their trust in reliable lenders in order to turn things around. Thus, buyers need to carefully choose negotiable South Carolina mortgage loans from reasonable lenders such as the Churchill Mortgage Corporation. Being underwater can be a daunting experience, especially for householders who barely break even on their payments. Homeowners can attempt to stay and continue to pay for their mortgages, but they might end up digging their own financial graves while increasing costs abound. That doesn't mean, however, that there's nothing householders can do about their situation.

Friday, October 18, 2013

On Affordable South Carolina Home Loans and Purchasing Homes Quickly

Just when things were looking up for South Carolina, it would seem that the rush to buy prime real estate has created yet another problem for buyers. With less and less properties up for grabs, buyers will need to act fast in order to purchase the homes of their choice. Buyers are still urged to carefully choose lenders of flexible South Carolina home loans. While a housing shortage can send some buyers into a panic, it certainly pays to stay calm and make rational decisions. Recklessly settling for any old home loan lender can come back to haunt buyers, especially if the lender charges exorbitant interests or has any tricks up his sleeve. Buyers should take their time when choosing a lender and make sure that the mortgage plan has no hidden strings attached.

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Trusted Providers of South Carolina Home Loans Can Help You Get Your Dream Home With the Right Lending Terms

"Home sales in Columbia and the rest of South Carolina have shot up considerably in the last few months, with recent sales figures considered the highest in five years. Robert Burris of reported last July 15 that this trend was largely driven by the sudden rise in interest rates and home prices, which most likely spurred buyers into action for fears of any further increase. Home values have also gradually risen over the past year. Additionally, home sales across the entire state were a good mix of new homes and resales. With all indications pointing to a favorable real estate climate, buyers should not miss out on increasingly limited opportunities and should be circumspect in purchasing properties. Part of wise home buying entails tapping the services of a South Carolina home loans company with a solid reputation."

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Pre-approved South Carolina Mortgage Loans: What First-time Home Buyers Need

"Brian O'Connell's July 22 article for NuWire reports that first-time home buyers in the U.S. are on a roll. O'Connell cites data gathered by global market research company J.D. Power, which shows that 49 percent of new home buyers are also first-timers. This is certainly a marked improvement compared to the 40 percent noted at the same time last year. Based on the same study, O'Connell noted that the majority of first-time home buyers are between the ages of 20 and 30. Despite their youth, these home buyers show that they are as savvy about the real estate market as more seasoned home buyers; and have accordingly taken advantage of affordable home prices as well as low mortgage rates. Those who hope to follow in the footsteps of these smart young home buyers may want to closely consider their options for reasonably priced South Carolina mortgage loans."

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

How You Can Get Much-Needed South Carolina Mortgage Help

"A July 8, 2013 article posted on the HousingWire website reports on the South Carolina Supreme Court's ruling that non-attorneys can modify mortgage loans without supervision from a state-licensed attorney. Based on this ruling, loan modifications by authorized persons other than lawyers do not represent an “unauthorized practice of law.” This legal statement was passed following two real estate cases where the plaintiffs alleged that their lenders unjustly changed the details of their mortgage loans. The ruling might sound a bit alarming, given that it could encourage some lenders to lay down outrageous rates and terms without requiring an attorney's supervision. On the other hand, trustworthy lenders can also take advantage of such a ruling and adjust mortgage products to better suit their clients' needs, and all without the bureaucratic process to slow them down. Naturally, homeowners will want to choose the latter of the two, and will accordingly require mortgage help from Sout

Monday, October 14, 2013

Take Advantage of Affordable South Carolina Mortgage Rates While They Last

"U.S. home sales increased last June and hit their highest level since November 2009, according to Jeanne Smialek's July 21 article for News. Smialek observes that at the moment, residential real estate is a crucial factor that spurs the nation's economic growth. This is evident in most parts of the country, even in smaller states like South Carolina. The article indicates that the combined sales of new and existing homes shot up to 5.74 million last month, based on economists' median forecasts as reported in a Bloomberg study. The latest figures also indicate increased manufacturing activity, which is a good indicator of market expansion. Meanwhile, South Carolina mortgage rates have increased as a result of speculations over the Federal Reserve's plans to reduce its bond purchases."

Saturday, September 28, 2013

Tip from a South Carolina Mortgage Help: How To Have A Successful Open House

Buying a house can be stressful for home buyers, they have to go and inspect different houses and find a South Carolina mortgage help that could give them good offers. However, it can also be stressful for the current homeowner who is putting up the open house. Hosting an open house isn’t a stressful affair after all. Just be sure to follow these tips and watch the whole day run smoothly, and just listen to your potential buyer calling his trusted South Carolina mortgage lender. Good luck!

Friday, September 27, 2013

Trust Good Faith Estimates When Making South Carolina Home Loans

"Good Faith Estimates are documents that your lender will give you when you apply for a South Carolina home loan. Also known as GFE’s, these documents are specific to the property for which you are looking to purchase, and show an estimate of every single fee associated with said home. The intention is to give you an idea as to what kind of financial commitments will be required of you. By law, GFE’s must be given to you within three business days of applying for your South Carolina home loans. Once the GFE has been issued and given to you, your lender can’t make any additional changes to the fees on the document. "

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Moving to The Palmetto State? Check out South Carolina Mortgage Rates

"One of the fastest growing cities in South Carolina is Charleston, which was reported to have ranked 67th on the census bureau's list. Its population was reported to have grown from 106,366 residents to a surprising number of 107,845 in a span of one year. Apart from being one of the tourist spots, it is also referred to as the second most populated city in the state with its roughly 118,492 current population. On the other hand, Columbia, although the state capital and the most populated city in the state, is only South Carolina's second fastest growing city with currently 119,961 inhabitants. In 2009, Columbia landed on the 6th spot of “America's Best Affordable Places to Retire”. Before you start shopping around for the most ideal South Carolina mortgage rates, you ought to look at the three types of mortgages available in the state: balloon, fixed, and adjustable rate mortgages."

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

South Carolina Mortgage Loans Firm Lends Tips Regarding Buyer’s Regret

"Greenwood, South Carolina (September 9, 2013) – Churchill Mortgage is offering advice on how to avoid buyer’s regret. With their tips, the South Carolina mortgage loans company aims to help a would-be homeowner make a better decision on whether or not to proceed with a purchase. The established lender suggests that, when buying a house, one should think rationally, ahead, and of everything. By thinking rationally and ahead of time, the person becomes less likely to make a purchase on impulse and so consider how long he or she foresees staying in the home based on long-term needs and plans. In turn, thinking of everything entails asking questions that will make the individual prone to fewer surprises and feel more confident about his or her potential purchase."