Monday, February 3, 2014

Refinancing: Nailing the Sweet South Carolina Mortgage Rates You Need

Taking your chances on a good refinance offer will resonate with South Carolinians. Recent developments in the state’s housing industry are encouraging homeowners to find more room to settle their arrears fast. Everyone wants to put their financial woes behind them before long, and in the case of paying for a new house, refinancing can be the ticket. To get there, you can compute South Carolina mortgage rates with the help of a company like the Churchill Mortgage Corporation.

While a 30-year fixed mortgage is often a highly popular choice for homeowners, it may not be as tempting when you factor in other variables into your monthly budget. This is where your mortgage provider can provide guidance, particularly when it comes to refinancing terms for shorter periods. A reputable lender will have their own calculators ready to further determine an appropriate refinance rate, with your income details and credit history taken into account.

Friday, January 31, 2014

Getting Ahead in Life with Help from South Carolina Mortgage Experts

The search for a home will also hinge on whether you’re looking for an existing one or a freshly built property. Mantell states that sales of new single-family residences are expected to be more commonplace in 2014 than those of existing houses despite the large inventory. She adds that a “pricier sales environment” is not an issue when the buyer is accustomed to it and is willing to pay.

The New Year is a chance to start over, some may say, and when it comes to purchasing a home, it pays to get everything right from the get-go. Reliable mortgage experts from trusted South Carolina mortgage lenders such as Churchill Mortgage will always have your best interests in mind.

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

South Carolina Mortgage Loans: Preparing for another Housing Bubble

Any historian will tell you that if it happened once, it could happen again. It doesn’t matter how, where, or when; past blunders come back to haunt everyone sooner or later. The Great Depression, which paid a visit almost 80 years later in the guise of the Great Recession, is a case in point.

The worst may be over for the U.S., but Richard Fisher, president of the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas, is still wary. In his statement, Fisher warns a bubble burst after seeing signs that may point to a second recession. Nobody will disagree that the U.S. doesn’t need another economic tangle.

Keep in mind that the bubble was a major factor in the events leading to the economic slump of 2008. Many lost their jobs, stock markets around the world fluctuated, and mortgages defaulted left and right. The value and average rate of South Carolina mortgage loans heavily depend on where and how the economic line graph moves.

Friday, January 24, 2014

When Do Discount Points Make Sense for South Carolina Home Loans?

Lenders constantly seek ways to make South Carolina home loans more appealing. An average rate of four percent may seem miniscule, but it makes a huge difference when it comes to mortgages.

That is why lenders don’t present the whole picture of the loan without mortgage points. These figures can spell the difference between a hefty mortgage and an affordable one. By paying for mortgage points (also called discount points), you’ll be paying more upfront yet reducing your obligations in the long run.

Saturday, January 18, 2014

Financing Your Dream Home with the Right South Carolina Mortgage Rates

If you're looking into buying a property in South Carolina, look into the various factors affecting the state’s real estate market. Recently, the market’s condition has been looking better than it did in the last few years, a reflection of an overall real estate rebound occurring in the rest of the country. With such a dynamic market, finding highly favorable South Carolina mortgage rates can involve a lot of research.

While you may find information on SC mortgage rates from several reliable sources, settling on the right lender or mortgage package to suit your personal situation can be challenging. You'll do well to inquire with reputable mortgage lenders like Churchill Mortgage Corporation.  Trusted mortgage lenders typically offer several loan products to match various personal financial goals and situations, and can help you assess the loan type most appropriate for you to help you buy the home of your dreams.

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Dependable South Carolina Mortgage Lenders Prefer Clean Credit Records

With all the circulating news about rising mortgage rates as 2014 approaches, potential home buyers are scrambling to meet with dependable South Carolina mortgage lenders to find out which of the mortgage lenders could offer the best suitable loan package for the house they want. How mortgage applicants respond to the the lender's questions will largely determine their chances for qualifying for the loan.

As the article on the Home Loan Learning Center recommends, mortgage lenders pay close attention to the way the applicant earns and spends his or her money:

Your lender will also consider the relationship between your income and expenses. Generally, your fixed housing expenses (mortgage payment, insurance and property taxes, but not repairs or maintenance) should not be more than 28 percent of your gross monthly income, although this is not an absolute rule. Your lender will also consider other long-term debts, such as car loans or college loans.

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Can Owners Refinance South Carolina Mortgage Loans with Bad Credit?

The time must have already come to you when you feel the opportunity is ripe to have your home refinanced, but you've never been able to jump in because of your low credit rating score. The truth is, you can refinance your home loan without exerting too much effort trying to get your score up. Here are a few tips to to make your case for a home refinance.

Set Your Standards

You naturally have to set your bar a bit lower; after all, refinancing South Carolina mortgage loans comes with the condition that lenders like Churchill Mortgage Corporation can trust you to pay the new rate diligently. Moreover, take into consideration the fact that rates might be much higher than they were when you first bought your home.

Build Equity

A good general rule of thumb for refinancing is to do it when you have already paid off more than 50% of your outstanding balance.

Thursday, January 9, 2014

South Carolina Home Loans: More on Understanding the Closing Process

"Some people think a wire transfer is faster, but the closing won't happen until they have actual confirmation that the wire hit," Castellanos says. "Depending on the time the transfer was made, it could be a huge problem."

Make Space for Time

In many cases, closing sessions can take as little as thirty minutes, but never assume that it will only take exactly that much time. To be sure, many people opt to take an entire day off of work to adjust for any necessary changes or corrections with the documentation that you might need to make time for.

Reliable SC home loans from mortgage companies like Churchill Mortgage Corporation are designed to make mortgage payments more affordable and convenient to homeowners. Nevertheless, the road to a sound mortgage is one that must be traversed with vigilance and a whole lot of smarts.