Sunday, January 12, 2014

Can Owners Refinance South Carolina Mortgage Loans with Bad Credit?

The time must have already come to you when you feel the opportunity is ripe to have your home refinanced, but you've never been able to jump in because of your low credit rating score. The truth is, you can refinance your home loan without exerting too much effort trying to get your score up. Here are a few tips to to make your case for a home refinance.

Set Your Standards

You naturally have to set your bar a bit lower; after all, refinancing South Carolina mortgage loans comes with the condition that lenders like Churchill Mortgage Corporation can trust you to pay the new rate diligently. Moreover, take into consideration the fact that rates might be much higher than they were when you first bought your home.

Build Equity

A good general rule of thumb for refinancing is to do it when you have already paid off more than 50% of your outstanding balance.

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